1. Area 51
This place is located in the United States nebhadai still in touch with people around the world is also the world's most secure areas of a military base and a large area outside area ekataera complete ban on the common man. What is the sense of a large part of the world there ??? Alien is studied there. Many people believe that the alien has been in contact with.
2. Ise Grand Shrine: Japan
Japan's best-kept secret, sacred, and it is important to build it in sthanakhristapurba 4 hayajapanera expected tomorrow is here today so far, except the royal family and the Priest in Sri pareniei enter 0 years after the collapse of the building again According to historians, the Japanese Empire once ??? Privacy hayakena so many old valuable documents have been hidden there, in front of which the world has never before.
Ise Grand Shrine
3. Vatican Secret Archives
For ages feed Vatican mystery man, Jesus is the period in the history of the world have witnessed many important place in this bhyatikanaei storehouse of secret o Scholar at this place may allow the number hayakhuba also sapekseekhane special permission of the Pope, and almost 84000 books This place is about 84 km dirghadharana Christian, mesanari, pagan religion and philosophy a lot more secret documents are stored here.
Vatican Secret Archives
Vatican Secret Archives
4. club 33 disneyland
Disney land for the people of the world are open to the general public in an entertaining jayagapuro jayagatii 33 charakhuba only club has been very restrikteda The Walt Disney jayagatisbayam pratisathatakhuba this club is a wonderful thing if you are applying today to be a member of this club around you it will take 14 years.
club 33
5. Moscow Metro-2
It is Russia's biggest andaragraunda City eitikintu abasthitaprthibira the Russian government to recognize the existence of the hayanistalinera during large parts of it to make people think it is hayechilaekata fsb headquarter connect with kremlinera karechepuro it is a city to the people of this place alone, yet something about this janeina well.
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